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i think the disfellowshipping abandonement arrangement in human relationships also to be a heavy contributor to this malady:.
borderline personality disorder (bpd), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.
Wikipedia is not a reliable source
Wikipedia is as good (or bad) as its primary sources cited in its footnotes.
i'm currently cleaning up our bookcase and need to decide what goes into the trash.
i'll keep the watchtower books that are not available online anymore (e.g.
the brown "reasoning" book).
schnufti," I'm currently cleaning up our bookcase and need to decide what goes into the trash."
Don't trash whatever you've got! Box them and offer them to anyone who would like them. Have them pay the postage and I'm sure they'll be gone before you can say apostate.
have you seen the handmaids tale?
or possibly read the book?
do you think the story would impact jws?.
I read the book and saw the movie starring Robert Duvall (As the general.). The movie's ending was better than the book [removed]
As for impacting the JWs I doubt it since the premise of the book - mass sterility and surrogate mother slavery - has no equivalence in our times.
i'm currently cleaning up our bookcase and need to decide what goes into the trash.
i'll keep the watchtower books that are not available online anymore (e.g.
the brown "reasoning" book).
If you got books from the 1960s and before keep them! I sold all my old (1950s) books to a brother for $5 bucks. I wish I had not.
I kept the Aid to Bible Understanding; the Concordance; the Large print bible and a couple of others including the red 'pocket' version.
I also have a 1950s book - title forgotten, which is a Jewel. It has a massive contradiction within the book itself where in one page it says that Charles Russell never had a biography made of him but, a few pages later, has an image of his biography book!
i could never understand why some people who know the truth about the "truth" ever go back.
once you understand all the hypocrisy and negatives, i would think it's almost impossible to go back!.
so a couple came into the library where i work today and the woman said she was from the british sign language association and asked if i would display a leaflet for her.
when she handed me the leaflet the jw website logo jumped out at me as did the words 'would you like to study the bible with jehovah's witnesses?
' there was a small picture that had someone conversing in sign language but the other pictures were typical jw leaflet pictures.
It was a small leaflet on my door that got me in at the vulnerable age of 14.
I used to go to different laundromats on my route between work and home to do my magazine purge.
On one occasion the owner confronted me and said that he wanted me to leave the magazines so that the customers would have some reading material. Of course, he had no clue as to what that implied and, being an introvert, I did not tell him why I was doing it.
so a couple came into the library where i work today and the woman said she was from the british sign language association and asked if i would display a leaflet for her.
when she handed me the leaflet the jw website logo jumped out at me as did the words 'would you like to study the bible with jehovah's witnesses?
' there was a small picture that had someone conversing in sign language but the other pictures were typical jw leaflet pictures.
@Xanthippe. Next they come by tell them that you're on to them and that they could get arrested for misrepresenting themselves. I don't think they'll want to come back.
last month i got caught by my wife after a late night out with her (and some drinks).
i guess i am evil.. just wondering if anyone else has had this misfortune.. rub a dub.
"Lot's of people pee in the pool"
True story; I sh!t you not. When I was 10 I would go to the community swimming pool. One day everyone who was in the pool was asked by the custodian to get out. An employee took a fishing net attached to a pole and scooped something out from the bottom of the pool. It was a waterlogged turd.
last month i got caught by my wife after a late night out with her (and some drinks).
i guess i am evil.. just wondering if anyone else has had this misfortune.. rub a dub.
Urine is a good disinfectant.
It's also a good fertilizer for your vegetable garden.
i just happened to read a news article from some months ago about doctors having performed a successful penis transplant.
the recipient lost his due to cancer, and doctors expect him to gain full use of his "new" penis, including sexual activities.
considering some of the more goofy interpretations of doctrine that the gooberning body trots out that the rank and file must obey under penalty of shunning i wonder if a man had this surgery, would he and or his wife be df'd for adultery?
For df: Yes! We're in the mood to ask all sorts of bizarre questions at the judicial committee!
Against df: It's a man's heart that commits the sin.
Which answer fits best?
Coming up next: Counting angels dancing on the head of a pin.